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Managing Business for a Sustainable Society

SK Networks defines all entities that directly and indirectly impact and are affected by our management activities as our stakeholders. Stakeholders include customers, employees, suppliers, the government, shareholders/investors, and local communities. We aim for successful communication with our stakeholders through various engagement channels. By conducting surveys to collect stakeholders’ opinions on our sustainability management policies, we are committed to actively integrating them into our management activities.

Stakeholder Communication Channels and Roadmap to Identify ESG Needs

이해관계자 참여 채널 및 주요 이슈 표(구분, 고객, 구성원, 협력사, 정부, 주주/투자자, 지역사회로 구성)
Stakeholder Channel of engagement Main issues Short-term plan
Mid-term plan
Long-term plan
  • VoC Channel
  • Agency/Branch-customer contact points
  • Survey, Customer Satisfaction Survey
  • Website, Social Media
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Customized solution
  • Personal information protection
  • Increase customer satisfaction.
  • Develop new products/services.
  • Improve customer contact service.

  • Conduct brand surveys and make improvements.
    (Add/modify ESG evaluation items)
  • Ultimately resolve pain points in customer satisfaction and increase customer value through BM (business model) innovation/new BM creation.
  • Create SV through products/services.

  • Analyze customer ESG evaluation results by brand.

  • Improve customer ESG evaluation items by brand (including a review of survey target diversification).
  • Happiness Survey
    (Happiness diagnosis/measurement)
  • Identify/Improve barriers to people’s happiness and enhance their power practicing the strategy of ‘challenge-performance-growth’
  • Use surveys for measurement/thinking to listen to people’s opinions and create an environment to practice paegi (the spirit of ambition).
  • Bring the happiness diagnosis/measurement system to the next level and build a sharing system.
  • Develop work methods and evolve into an innovative corporate culture platform.
  • Happiness/SKMS board
    (for SK People to speak out)
  • A consultative body between the CEO and people to find and propose solutions in order to create a good workplace culture
  • Operate in a way to carry out short-term assignments and make suggestions so that people can immerse in them and grow.
  • A consultative body that continues to improve the company’s system/capacity/culture.
  • A consultative body to discuss with the top management for creating a VWBE and practicing SKKMS.
  • Happiness bulletin board
    (for SK People to communicate with one another)
  • Share happiness management activities of the company and people and create a VWBE culture by making suggestions
  • Reorganize bulletin boards to establish a responsible and sound discussion culture.
  • Evolve into a people’s idea audition platform.
  • Bring the bulletin board/community to the next level.
  • Happiness Talk
    (for conversation with the executives)
  • Reinforce commitment for management philosophy and activities through communication with top management
  • Spread the CEO’s message and management philosophy, make regular communication arrangements to build trust.
  • Make arrangements for direct communication between the CEO and people (regular communication).
  • Make arrangements for direct communication between the CEO and people (expand regular communication)
  • Career Workshop
  • Career design platform driven by people
  • Establish and implement career goals aligned with the Company’s management philosophy.
  • Perform duties and tasks from a professional-level career viewpoint and achieve career development according to the company’s orientation.
  • Upgrade programs continuously by aligning with the direction for BM innovation.
  • HR Design Lab
  • HR system improvement program through people engagement
  • Learning in the process of solving real management problems.
  • Develop VWBE leadership to have people lead in resolving barriers to happiness.
Business partner
  • Mutual growth fund raising
  • Face-to-face meeting and discussion
  • SK Networks electronic purchasing system
  • Training program for business partners
  • Develop a fair and reasonable business relationship.
  • Provide support to management and training activities of business partners.
  • Engage in ESG risk management of business partners.
  • Expand mutual growth fund operation
  • Establish support programs for partners’ excellence
  • Enhance partner communication system
  • Support partners for ESG improvement
  • Support partner training programs
  • Re-establish strategies with a focus on mutual growth
  • Implement and expand support programs for excellent partners
  • Identify and implement mutual growth tasks
  • Introduce an incentive system for ESG partners’ excellence and expand support
  • Increase the number of trainees in partner training programs
  • Bring mutual growth-focused promotion strategies to the next level.
  • Reinforce the cooperation system for coexistence
    - Build an open platform as a communication channel for mutual growth.
  • Develop additional training programs and increase the number of participants.
  • General shareholders meeting
  • Reinforce two-way communication between the company and shareholders.
  • Improve conditions for shareholder inquiries and ensure that enough time is available.
  • Diversify communication channels by using online platforms: e.g., YouTube live streaming of the general shareholder meeting.
  • Meeting with corporate and individual investors
  • Expand the company financial story’s exposure scope and frequency.
  • Establish awareness of the company as an ESG leader and secure demand for ESG investment demand.
  • Communicate frequently with investors and provide reporting support.
  • Engage in IR activities for potential investors.
  • Hold on/off IR events customized to investor needs.
Local community
  • Local government
  • Local consultative body for social security
  • Person in charge of local welfare center/community service center
  • Run various programs for the underprivileged.
    (e.g. Safety net security, cultural program benefits for the underprivileged)
  • Engage in local community risk management
  • Make contribution to the local community and implement a sustainable green city.
  • Upgrade the social contribution system (2022)

  • Identify risks and generate a pool relating to local community, establish a risk management system.

  • Make available a consultative channel for the local community.
    - Conclude an MOU for the contribution to the local community (2022, between Walkerhill and Gwangjin-gu Office).

  • Develop and run content that can contribute to the local community.
  • Implement the social contribution system.

  • Bring the community-related risk management system to the next level.

  • Invigorate content channels to promote culture/tourism (Walkerhill)

  • Develop and run coexistence programs for local residents.
  • Bring the social contribution system to the next level.

  • Review the effectiveness of community-related risk management and reinforce local contributions according to analysis.

  • Invigorate coexistence programs for local residents, and conduct performance measurement/management.
