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Managing Business for a Sustainable Society

SK Networks aims to innovate corporate values through its orientation towards future growth, defined as Customer Value Explorer. We will pursue new customer-focused values through ambitious goal setting to augment customer value, active communication to execute the goals, and sustained business innovation efforts.

Customer Communication Channels

When SK Networks receives customer feedback through the voice of customer (VOC) channels in each business division, it promotes customer satisfaction by promptly responding to complaints.

  • MINTIT/ICT Marketing
    • Website
    • Social media
    • Customer Satisfaction Survey(MINTIT ATM)
  • Speedmate
    • Maintenance shop as a customer touchpoint
    • Website
    • Social media
    • Customer Happy Call
  • Walkerhill
    • Website/Mobile app
    • Social media
    • Customer touchpoint(inside/outside the hotel)
    • Guest satisfaction survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey : Speedmate Happy Call

Through the Happy Call survey, Speedmate analyzes customer satisfaction of customers for basic and complex maintenance. We use the detailed feedback collected to improve and develop products and services.

2021 Customer Satisfaction Survey(Unit : %)

  • 72.6Very Satisfied
    Basic Maintenance
  • 77.1Very Satisfied
    Complex Maintenance

Customer Satisfaction Survey : Walkerhill

Customer Satisfaction Survey

2021년 만족도 평가 점수에 관한 이미지 입니다. 자세한 내용은 하단의 설명을 참조하세요. 행복 Survey 영역별 객관식 문항 평균 점수(7점 만점)에 관한 이미지 입니다. 자세한 내용은 하단의 설명을 참조하세요.
2017년 (만족도 : 4.2), 2018년 (만족도 : 4.3), 2019년 (만족도 : 4.3), 2020년 (만족도 : 4.2), 2021년 (만족도 : 4.3)

Walkerhill identified customers’ needs for responsive and convenient services in a customer satisfaction survey and VOC analysis. And also implemented an integrated mobile platform (slated for roll-out in late November, 2021) that could support the entire hospitality cycle from booking to early check-in/check-out, room service order fulfillment, etc. As the room and restaurant booking processes were improved, the online booking ratio jumped by a significant margin from last year and service turnaround time was reduced thanks to the early mobile check-in/check-out services.
